Tuesday, 10 August 2010

My memoriable Alhambra Palace, Spain

Every year when it gets close to my birthday (which is on the 20th of this month!!), I always remember the wonderful and romantic birthday I had with my husband when we just met...
I asked him that I wanted to spend my birthday at the Alhambra palace in south of Spain...so we did ! That was a good 7 years ago...ah, time goes by, and we have a beautiful daughter together now, but those memories are still vivid and special.
Do you have a special moment in your life, and is it still vivid in your memory?

I want to share with you pics of this beautiful beautiful, absolutely stunning old arab architecture masterpiece with you. Hope you like it!

☆Alhambra Palace, Granada, Andalucia (South of Spain)

Now, just abit of its history...(so sorry my blog is abit long today).

The name derives from the Arabic ‘Al-Qalat-al-Hamra’ which means ‘The Red Fortress’, due to the red colour of the brickwork.
The first references to the Alhambra Castle started to appear in the ninth century, but it was in the thirteenth century that the fortress part of the complex, Alcazaba was built.

You have to remember that at this time, Spain was ruled by the Moors (now Moroccans) , and Andalucía was the last Muslim state in Spain, so the Sultan (or Emir) needed impressive and secure fortresses to try to hold onto his lands.

The Alhambra Castle was completed during the Nasrid Dynasty (mid fourteenth century), with the construction of the residential palaces (Palacios Nazaries).

The palaces, made up of three distinct parts, The Mexuar, The Comares Palace and The Palace of the Lions, are stunning for their Arab architecture, and exquisite attention to detail in the decoration.

Through out the palace, you can see all the beautiful arabic designs on the walls. Alhambra still feels like home to the Moroccans (The Moors). Maybe thats why I love it so much...


  1. Stunning photos...very special.

  2. Beautiful! I love this blog - the fashion and design are stunning! found you thru FBMT!

    xo - jami
    i m a g i n e

  3. I love the photos
    Thanks for following
    I'm following you back

  4. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog GET CRAFTIN! I'm lovin yours! I'm your newest follower!! Take Care XOXO

  5. Beautiful pictures!

    Hi! I'm visiting from Welcome Wednesdays and I'm following you. I would love a follow back. :)

  6. Pretty - I am also following you back. Have a great day.

  7. Stunning architecture. followed you back from FMBT

  8. very great blog! I loved reading the history behind the design :)

  9. Such gorgeous architecture! Stopping by and following through Wobble Over Wednesday! Feel free to come by and I would love for you to follow back!

    Amy @ rendermemama.blogspot.com

  10. So glad I found your blog.

    I have great memories from my trip to NYC that I cherish


  11. Beautiful pictures! the fortress is very pretty & really has stood the test of time!

    Alhambra palace tour


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