Tuesday, 24 August 2010

How about a Moroccan Lantern to spice up your home ?

I love moroccan lanterns. When you go to morocco, especially Marrakech, in the night time, the houses are fulled with romantic lanterns and carpets.
It's amazing that they do this at a day to day bases...it really certainly keeps the beauty of the city, not to mention a romantic atmosphere in the house.
Most houses (or riads) we have been invited, always welcomed us and the guests with moroccan lanterns in the front door.
For more elaborate celebrations, we had parties, where they had carpets right from the entrance of the gate of the house till the entrance of the house with beautiful lanterns on both sides of the carpet...And believe me, the distance between the gate and the house could be many many yards for some luxury houses.

I am planning to bring in some Moroccan lanterns in the future for my 'Maison Marrakech' collections. Here are some I've found via the internet.
Let me know how you think, and would you like one in your home?
Let's decorate your home with some bohemian touch...

I love these white ones, it very feminine. I am planning to put these lanterns in my collection.

This miss-match gives the essense of a rustic bohemian look...

These are rustic style lanterns...it gives the room an antique flair, yet very stylish and mystic..

Let me know which one's you like...there are much more seletion in the market (souk) in Marrakech, I can't wait to go to my next shopping! I'd like to design some lanterns for my collection soon...

My new tunic fashion collection 'Fall Maison Marrakech 2010' will be coming out on the 1st September. Please check my etsy shop, or my blog for further details. Shokkuran min Kalbi
(thank you with love)☆

Live free, Live bohemian, be bohemian...



  1. Wow, these lanterns are gorgeous. I love your blog. Hope you can visit me at My Dream Canvas.

  2. The Moroccan lanterns are fantastic! I love how they are made in such a wide variety of colors, shapes and sizes!!! Someday I will visit Morocco and bring one back as a souvenir!

  3. Beautiful exotic and sexy. You need to have these lanterns in your shop!;D

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